The company itself intends to take care of the mass extraction of minerals and in essence, it is desired to process on-site processing. According to the company, this solution will provide the best financial results for the operations overall.
The mines will in its entirety operate as open-pit. This provides a rational operating form and the consideration/safety of those working within the mine can be safeguarded. One of the company’s foundations is to create jobs within mining. The establishment of industrial activities will create jobs in the local municipality, and also provide positive effects in the entire region.
The raw materials of Norse Minerals AS is a granitic pegmatite, consisting mainly of Quartz, Feldspar and mica. In addition to these main materials, there are some rare earth minerals that are highly sought after.
Quartz can be used for example for: Glass, fiberglass, ferrosilicon, silicomanganese, silicon carbide, silicon metal, cement.
Feldspar can be used for example: Porcelain, sanitary porcelain, ceramic tiles, anti-electrostatic tiles, electrophori, high temperature glass, insulation, agricultural improvement, asphalt additives.
REE minerals can be used for: High technology components in mobile, tablets and computers, special alloys in metal, fiber optic cables.
Norse minerals AS wishes to conduct mineral extraction in an environmental friendly- and socio-economic way. This will be done by using modern process and separation methods, recycling etc.
It is already clear that the company´s quartz and feldspar can be used directly in the manufacturing industry. Within the market, there are different requirements and needs related to quality and purity.
It is known that chemical analysis of feldspar, from the area, shows very good results. The feldspar is characterized to belong to the category of high quality feldspar. Analyzes of the quartz are also promising. The quartz is classified by an industry producer in solar cell production as approved for use in their industry. Other industrial players also said that they can use the quartz of Norse minerals AS in their production. The REE-minerals in this case are predominantly of the HREE (Heavy Rare Earth Elements) category, and these have the status of being the most sought after REE-minerals on the world market.
In addition, several attractive types of minerals have been detected, and the company assesses the value of these consecutive along with geologists.
Norse Minerals AS currently consist of 70 shareholders. The company is working on raising capital through aiming at new shareholders. This involves initiating cooperation with a major investor to develop the company in the process of operation.
For several years, Norse Minerals AS, has worked rationally and strategically to verify the opportunities that lie in the instance. In this connection, it is very encouraging to report that a broad professional competence from the mining environment is very positive to the company´s plans for the mining industry.
The company is currently working closely with NTNU and their expertise, as well as other mining expertise.
Mineral production and processing of minerals differs from other industrial activities in several ways. The mineral industry forms a basis in the value chain and supplies the industry with raw materials that is used in the production, of a wide range, of materials that people use in modern society. In this way, todays society is just as dependent on the mineral industry and the materials that come from our bedrock as the people who lived back in the Stone Age. The mineral industry will therefore always constitute an essential foundation for any society.
The main constituent of the occurrence, quartz and feldspar, are very useful raw materials for the industry, and demand will only continue in the future market. The prevalence of REE minerals is very positive, given the increasing demand for technology and the green shift that is an important element in todays society.
Norse minerals AS´s products will be used to help the community implement the green shift.
A report presented by NHO shows that the Norwegian scree has values that can yield revenues of up to 8000 billion NOK.
The Norwegian Geological Examination (NGU) has produced the report “Minerals for the Green Change”, in connection with the NHO Annual Conference in early 2018.
It presents the proven and estimated resources in the ground, represent values of 2500 billion NOK.
- “It´s very exciting, because of the large extent of minerals that can be used in mobiles, electronic cars, airplanes and wind turbines can contribute to the green shift, that we need to achieve, if we are to reach our climate goals”, says NHO – manager Kristin Skogen Lund.
The website is written to the best of our ability and based on the information provided by geological reports and prepared documents. The board of Norse Minerals A / S is not legally responsible for the content on this website.
The background material is available if requested.